
Eligibility Requirements
• Applicants must be Honors College students.
• Students must enroll full-time (at least 12 credit hours) at the University of Utah.
• Applicants must actively pursue completion of the Honors degree.
• Students must be in good standing.

How to Apply
• Carefully review each scholarship’s requirements to ensure you qualify.
• Complete the University of Utah General Scholarship Application.
• Submit supplemental requirements for each scholarship.

Important Details
• Scholarships for current students are distributed over two semesters and applied directly to your tuition account. Cash awards are not provided.
• Recipients of housing scholarships must reside in Honors College Housing.
• If you withdraw from the Honors College, any awarded scholarships will be rescinded.
To explore all Honors-specific and general scholarship opportunities, visit the University of Utah’s AcademicWorks application system.