
Home Praxis Labs

Praxis Labs

Praxis Labs are year-long courses led by two faculty members and guided by up to 14 students from varying disciplines to seek a community-based and actionable project as a solution to a pressing societal issue. Students commit to 3 credits in the fall and spring semesters when enrolling in a lab.

Current Praxis Labs

America’s Inland Sea: Impacts of a Shrinking Great Salt Lake
Energy & Environment
Policy & Social Justice

America’s Inland Sea: Impacts of a Shrinking Great Salt Lake

Dr. Kevin Perry
Molly Blakowski

The New York Times characterized the Great Salt Lake as an “environmental nuclear bomb,” but is that an accurate description of the lake and its challenges?

More Info2024-2025
Equity, Culture, and Preventive Health
Health & Society
Policy & Social Justice

Equity, Culture, and Preventive Health

Paul Estabrooks
Isabel Teresa Molina-Avella

How can community and cultural assets disrupt systemic health inequity?

More Info2024-2025

Future Praxis Labs

Labs for the 2025-26 academic year will be announced early spring!

Questions? Contact:

Dominic Pecoraro (He/Him)
Associate Director, Special Programs
Schedule an Appointment

Past Praxis
