
Home Praxis Lab Kaiser Permanente Praxis Lab on Redefining Health an Wellness
Health & Society 2014-2015

Kaiser Permanente Praxis Lab on Redefining Health an Wellness

This Praxis Lab challenged the traditional, restrictive perceptions of health and wellness by exploring how to make healthy choices enjoyable and accessible. Students examined the seven dimensions of health—social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual, and physical—and reflected on how these dimensions are defined and valued across different communities.

In the second half of the course, students worked in groups to design impactful, community-based projects aimed at improving health and wellness. Projects ranged from creating initiatives to provide healthier food options on campus to developing innovative methods for teaching health in schools and enhancing public transportation use for better community health.


Julie Metos

Nicole Mihalopoulous, MD

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Infectious Disease on the Run
Health & Society

Infectious Disease on the Run

Margaret P. Battin, PhD
Wendy Hobson-Rohrer, MD

This Praxis Lab examined the history, science, and ethical implications of pandemics, from the Black Plague to COVID-19. Students analyzed how diseases spread, the social and political responses to outbreaks, and the ethical considerations of public health interventions.

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How We Die
Health & Society

How We Die

Margaret P. Battin, PhD

This Praxis Lab explored the evolving landscape of death and dying in the modern world, examining the shift from infectious disease mortality to prolonged battles with degenerative illnesses like cancer, heart failure, and dementia.

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Education, Incarceration & Justice: Punishment and Opportunity in an Era of Mass Imprisonment
Policy & Social Justice

Education, Incarceration & Justice: Punishment and Opportunity in an Era of Mass Imprisonment

Erin Castro
Roberto Garcia

This Praxis Lab examined the deep connections between education, incarceration, and justice in the United States, a country with the highest incarceration rate in the world. Students explored the historical and systemic forces that have expanded the carceral state, disproportionately affecting low-income communities and communities of color.

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