
Queer Identity and Social Structure

This Praxis Lab addressed three central questions: What is queer? What is activism? What is social justice? Students engaged with these complex inquiries, forming their own responses while exploring how others have answered them.

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Grassroots Community Leadership

In this Praxis Lab, students worked directly with residents of Salt Lake City’s west side as part of the Westside Leadership Institute (WLI), a partnership supported by University Neighborhood Partners (UNP).

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Worlds Apart: Utah’s Urban Rural Divide

This Praxis Lab examined the growing social, political, and economic divide between urban and rural communities, both nationally and within Utah. Students explored the unique challenges facing rural areas—such as job loss and population decline—while also considering the policy and cultural differences shaping urban centers like Salt Lake City.

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Family Violence Across the Life Span

This Praxis Lab explored the complex and challenging issue of family violence, focusing on abuse, exploitation, and neglect across the life course. Students examined a range of topics, including the ethical and scientific controversies surrounding family violence, empirical research, and the roles of professionals in intervening with victims and perpetrators.

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College Affordability

The rising cost of higher education has made college increasingly unaffordable, with access and completion rates continuing to be stratified by income and race. This Praxis Lab examined the historical and structural factors that have contributed to the current challenges in college financing and accessibility.

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Black Perspectives from Theory to Praxis

This Praxis Lab explored a diverse range of Black perspectives on critical social, political, and environmental issues. Students examined how Black history, cultural narratives, and movements for social justice have influenced mainstream ideologies on topics such as policing, incarceration, education, climate change, reproductive rights, science and technology, healthcare, and governance.

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Legacies of the American/Vietnam War from Diverse Perspectives

This Praxis Lab examined war’s transformative effects through research, literature, film, oral history, and interdisciplinary scholarship. Students explored how war influences identity, health, landscape, and memory, engaging with guest speakers, music, and documentary film to deepen their understanding.

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This Praxis Lab explored the societal implications of automation, from the replacement of cashiers with digital kiosks to the predicted obsolescence of entire professions in the coming decades.

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