
Home Praxis Lab Wasatch Water: Ecosystem Services and the American Dream
Energy & Environment 2012-2013

Wasatch Water: Ecosystem Services and the American Dream

This Praxis Lab explored the complex relationship between ecosystem services, water resources, and the American Dream, with a focus on water along the Wasatch Front. Students traced the journey of water, from its original state as clean, free snow, through the urban landscape, and out to the Great Salt Lake or Jordan River. The course examined how the value and quality of water shift through this landscape and how new research in science, engineering, economics, psychology, and aesthetics has influenced our understanding of ecosystem services.

Through the course, students explored the implications of treating natural resources—such as clean water, decomposition, and pollination—as free and infinite, as was once assumed with the American Dream. This broad inquiry culminated in a second-semester project where students integrated these themes to address water-related challenges in the region.


Jim Ehleringer

Kate Kopischke

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Infectious Disease on the Run

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Wendy Hobson-Rohrer, MD

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How We Die
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How We Die

Margaret P. Battin, PhD

This Praxis Lab explored the evolving landscape of death and dying in the modern world, examining the shift from infectious disease mortality to prolonged battles with degenerative illnesses like cancer, heart failure, and dementia.

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Education, Incarceration & Justice: Punishment and Opportunity in an Era of Mass Imprisonment
Policy & Social Justice

Education, Incarceration & Justice: Punishment and Opportunity in an Era of Mass Imprisonment

Erin Castro
Roberto Garcia

This Praxis Lab examined the deep connections between education, incarceration, and justice in the United States, a country with the highest incarceration rate in the world. Students explored the historical and systemic forces that have expanded the carceral state, disproportionately affecting low-income communities and communities of color.

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