
Recent Grad Tara Streng Publishes Thesis Work

Tara Streng, who graduated from the Honors College in 2015 and had part of her thesis on campus rape published in a scholarly journal. I thought you might like to know that a second part of her thesis has now been published in the journal Sexuality Research and Social Policy.

Perceptions of University Policies to Prevent Sexual Assault on Campus Among College Students in the USA

Tara K. Streng, Akiko Kamimura


The purpose of this study is to assess correlations between attitude, opinions, and perceptions of sexual assault on campus and perceptions of university policies related to sexual assault among college students. Students (N  = 507) at a large public university in the intermountain west region of the USA completed a survey in February and March 2015. Multivariable multiple regression was conducted to test the association between perceptions of students regarding university polices on sexual assault and individual factors. The factors that were predictive for student perceptions of sexual assault policy importance included student gender, affiliation with a campus organization, previous report of sexual assault to university officials, and adherence to particular anti-rape attitudes. Attitudes and perceptions of sexual assault may be very important for successful implementation of university policies related to sexual assault.

Sexual assault University policy Safety Violence prevention

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