
Professor Mead Receives National Recognition


Chris Mead, a professor in the U’s Honors College, has been selected as an NEH Summer Scholar from a national applicant pool to attend one of 24 seminars and institutes supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities.  The Endowment is a federal agency that, each summer, supports these enrichment opportunities at colleges, universities, and cultural institutions, so that faculty can work in collaboration and study with experts in humanities disciplines.

Chris will participate in a seminar entitled “The Formation and Re-formation of the Book: 1450-1650.” The 4-week program will be held at The Huntington Library, in San Marino, CA, and c0-directed by Dr. John N. King (Ohio State) and Dr. Mark Rankin (James Madison).

The approximately 537 NEH Summer Scholars who participate in these programs of study will teach over 93,975 American students the following year.

This is a real honors and opportunity.

Hearty congratulations to Chris!

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