
Connect2Health Program awarded Beacons of Excellence


Each year, the University of Utah’s Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Office of Student Affairs recognizes people, programs and projects committed to creating a transformative, undergraduate educational experience.

The six Transforming U: Beacons of Excellence awards celebrate “best practices” found across campus, including labs, student clubs, individuals, centers and more. Since the award was created in 2012, hundreds of nominations have been submitted by students, faculty, staff and community members.

This award highlights the achievements of a select group of the many people, programs, and projects that contribute to our excellence at the U. Particularly, this award highlights the dedication of the many student volunteers and Connect2Health Director, Honors graduate, Alexis Pearl Lee.

This year, former Honors Praxis Lab, turned non-profit was awarded the Beacons of Excellence award. Connect2Health is an organization working in medical clinics which acts as a bridge between local community resources and under-served patients in need.

Connect2Health is housed within the University of Utah’s Spark Health Innovation Lab. The program is supported by the University of Utah Honors College, University of Utah College of Health, University of Utah Health Care, AmeriCorps and the Utah Campus Compact, the Castle Foundation, the LDS Church Foundation, and Intermountain Health Care.

Connect2Health has grown rapidly since work began with the 4th Street Clinic, serving the homeless population of Salt Lake in 2012. In January 2014 an exciting partnership with University Health Care began.  Since then Connect2Health has expanded to two additional University of Utah Hospital Units in June 2014 and January 2015.

4th Street Clinic since August 2012

University of Utah Hospital, Acute Internal Medicine and Surgical Specialty Transplant Units since June 2014

University of Utah Hospital, Women and Children Unit since January 2015

University of Utah Hospital, Pediatric, OBGYN, and Maternal/Fetal Diagnostic Clinics since March 2016

University of Utah Health Plans since June 2016

University of Utah Pediatric Neurology since September 2016

To learn more about Connect2 Health visit: https://spark.utah.edu/community/


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