Climate Change: Science, Stakeholders and Social Investment
Funded by Wasatch Global Investors
This opportunity is first-come, first-serve – to join, please enroll in HONOR 3700 – 003, Class number 18694 for Fall 2022, We/3-6PM, KV1324
This Praxis Lab will consider the complicated intersections between global climate change and financial markets. Increasingly, the financial industry is being asked to incorporate climate metrics into their research programs. Questions we will address include:
- How might the financial industry incorporate climate metrics into its research processes?
- How should financial advisors advise clients interested in the social impact of investments?
- Who is responsible: government, regulations, free markets? What happens when global leaders (USA, EU, India, China) disagree on who should bear responsibility?
- Should financial firms pay attention to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) or should they simply invest the money and provide the largest returns to their clients (and let clients decide how to spend that money)?
- Are we really prepared to handle net-zero (what’s the technology needed to transition?) and who are the players that will benefit (who should they invest in?)
Dr. Jeffrey Coles: Samuel S. Stewart, Jr. Presidential Chair in Business David Eccles Chair & Professor of Finance