
Valeria Jimenez

Valeria Jimenez

Valeria Jimenez graduated from the University of Utah in 2018 with an Honors Bachelor of Science in Political Science, with minors in Business and Chicana/o Studies.

After graduating, Valeria dedicated six years to gaining practical experience and refining her career goals. Her initial role was as a program manager for the Keys to Success program at the Success in Education Foundation, where Valeria oversaw a college and career readiness platform, collaborating with schools, teachers, and counselors to promote educational and career opportunities for students. Subsequently, she joined the Utah State Courts as a public outreach and education coordinator, where she worked to enhance community access to judicial branch resources by coordinating school visits to educate students about the court system and inspire students to pursue careers in law. Her next role was as a Community Outreach Coordinator & Case Manager for Mountain Mediation Center, a nonprofit organization. She oversaw their landlord-tenant eviction diversion and mediation programs, educating community members about the mediation process and its applications for resolving various conflicts. These experiences solidified her passion for pursuing a career in law.

Valeria is currently a first-year law student at the S.J. Quinney College of Law and has recently been honored with an Arc to Justice Fellowship, a distinction bestowed upon high-achieving incoming law students who have overcome significant life challenges. As a thriving law student Valeria is actively exploring the diverse career paths a law degree can open. She envisions one day specializing in employment law or public interest law, while pursuing her overarching dream of ensuring access to legal services for all.

As a first-generation Latina college student, Valeria often faced challenges navigating unfamiliar processes within the education system. These experiences sparked her desire to improve accessibility for others in similar situations. Three years ago, she established a first-generation scholarship program in her hometown of Heber Utah through the Wasatch Education Foundation where she helped provide mentoring and financial support to first-generation college students who are recent graduates of Wasatch High School, the very same high school she graduated from. She is proud of the ways this program has been able to support students and hopes to continue to make an impact in Heber and give back to her home community.

Valeria transferred into the Honors College after attending an outreach tabling event. She was attracted to the Honor’s College’s emphasis on writing and communication and hoped that building these skills would prepare her well for law school. She wrote an Honors Thesis titled, “The Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Promoting Higher Education Among Latina/o Youth: The Case of Latinos In Action (LIA) of Utah” examining the role of nonprofit organizations in preparing and supporting Latina/o youth for higher education. Through her thesis project she learned about herself and her interests, gained a strong writing sample, and found a life-long mentor, Dr. Jesus N. Valero. Valeria would encourage every Honors student to stick with and complete their honors thesis.
Beyond writing, Valeria believes that the Honors College helped increase her confidence in speaking up and expressing her own viewpoints. Her professors emphasized the importance of active participation in class, valuing each student’s unique perspectives. This helped her to transition well to the Socratic Method used in law school.

In giving advice to a student today, Valeria emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining relationships with professors. She would encourage students to actively engage with their professors and not hesitate to seek help, which can provide support and expand perspectives and research interests. She is grateful for her own professors who provided guidance, honest feedback and genuine care.

We are proud to count Valeria among our alumni and look forward to seeing the impact she will continue to make in her community through her education.

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