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Honors College Advising

At the University of Utah, Honors students receive comprehensive academic support through a three-tiered approach to advising. They have access to a dedicated team of higher education professionals who provide guidance and assistance throughout their undergraduate journey.

College & Departmental

College/Departmental Advisors assist students throughout their undergraduate journey. They help students select classes that align with their majors and interests, provide guidance on post-baccalaureate opportunities withing their respective fields, and connect students to valuable campus resources. Students have scheduled meetings with their departmental/major advisors at important milestones during their undergraduate years

Honors advisor helping a University of Utah Student

Honors College Advisors

Honors College Advisors guide students through their Honors curriculum and help them access college- and campus-wide resources, opportunities, and programs that enhance their unique Honors College experience based on their individual needs and interests. To ensure consistent progress towards the Honors degree, it is recommended that students meet with an Honors advisor once per academic year, or as needed.

Honors Advising Team

Anna Chuaqui (She/Her)

Anna Chuaqui (She/Her)

Program Manager – Academic Advising

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Karleton Munn (He/Him)

Karleton Munn (He/Him)

Director of Honors Advising

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Madison Abele (She/They)

Madison Abele (She/They)

Assistant Director of Advising

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Liam Hammons (He/Him)

Liam Hammons (He/Him)

Program Manager - Lower-Division Learning Communities, Peer Support Programs

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Jeff Badger (He/Him)

Jeff Badger (He/Him)

Associate Director, Thesis Completion

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Dominic Pecoraro (He/Him)

Dominic Pecoraro (He/Him)

Associate Director, Special Programs

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Alison Shimko (She/Her)

Alison Shimko (She/Her)

Associate Director - Nationally Competitive Scholarships

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Drop-In Advising

Academic advisors are available for unscheduled in-person and virtual advising drop-ins at various times throughout the week. Please check our advising schedule for available times.

Advising Schedule
Honors Liaisons students studying

Departmental Honors Liaison

Departmental Honors Liaisons (DHLs) are faculty members appointed by departments to support Honors students as they work toward their Honors degree. These liaisons assist students in exploring ideas and facilitate connections with other faculty members in the department who can supervise thesis research.