Praxis Lab Summit
Each year the students in our current praxis labs present the work and research they've dedicated themselves to at our Praxis Lab Summit. Praxis Labs are our year-long courses addressing pressing community problems.12 students and 2 faculty research, plan and enact to help better our communities.
The summit is an hour and a half long synchronous zoom event where you'll learn about the real world problem solving the praxis students are taking on.
This year’s Praxis Lab Summit will be held on Tuesday April 13th at 2-3:30pm. It will be synchronous this year.
We have 2 Labs this year:
College Affordability & Aging Well in Utah
Both groups have dug deep into the issues and are thrilled to present to their fellow students and the campus community.
ZOOM Praxis Lab Summit
Time: Apr 13, 2021 02:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 953 1434 5274
Passcode: 543385