A Message to our Students
Dear Honors Students:
This is a brief communication to let you know that the Honors College is fully-functioning and although we might not be in the classroom together in the coming weeks, we are still all engaged as a community.
As always, the University has your best interests and education in mind.
As a reminder:
- Classes are cancelled for March 16th and 17th.
- Please read the University communications; they are updating us daily. These are the primary sources of information for all of us. All of the regular University resources are available to you.
- Faculty will reach out to you as courses go on-line next Wednesday March 18th
- Honors and the many departments we work with are developing a plan so that seniors working towards completing their honors thesis work and earning the honors degree can still do so. We will communicate more specifics early next week.
- We promise to create the best educational environment we can, given the unfortunate circumstances.
We are a wonderful community of supportive rational folks. Take care of yourselves and one another.
Sylvia Torti, Ph.D.
Dean, Honors College