
Honors Students awarded special 2015-2016 Research Awards

Dee Foundation

The Lawrence T. Dee and Janet T. Dee Foundation was established by Lawrence Taylor and Janet Teller Dee in 1971 for the purpose of promoting charitable activities in Ogden and the surrounding area. Now in its 44th year, it remains a family foundation dedicated to furthering the growth and well-being of the people of northern Utah. Each year, depending on funding, one or two students in their first semester of UROP funding will be selected for the Dee Foundation UROP Award.

Chevron Foundation

Chevron’s University Partnership Program (UPP) works with more than 100 college and university partners around the world to help attract and develop talented students and teachers who can help achieve a more technically proficient global workforce.

Francis Family Foundation

The John A. and Irene F. Francis Endowment Fund was established by John A. Francis in memory of his wife, Irene F. Francis, and to acknowledge the work of his son, John G. Francis, professor of political science at the University of Utah. The Francis Endowment Fund recognizes outstanding undergraduate researchers in the arts, social sciences, and the humanities.

Parent Fund

The Parent Fund is sustained by parents and supports student-centered programs and initiatives. The Parent Fund plays an integral role in the University of Utah’s ability to provide students with exceptional opportunities inside and outside the classroom. Each year, depending on funding, a first-semester UROP student is selected to receive the Parent Fund UROP Award.

2015-2016 Recipients

Dee Foundation

Colton Leavitt (Prof. Sujee Jeyapalina) – The Inherent Properties of Fluorohydroxyapatite: Decreasing Downgrowth and Infection in Percutaneous Intraosseous Implants

Chevron Foundation

Emily Dennis (Prof. Srividya Bhashara) – Effect of HDAC Inhibition on Genome Stability

Christina Hyer (Prof. Susan Bock) – Influenza Vaccine Virus-Like Particle (VLP) Production in Trichoplusia Ni

Deanne Yugawa (Prof. Charles Murtaugh) – Determining the Effect of Sox9 Deletion in PTF1A Knockouts

Francis Family Foundation

Ciria Alvarez (Prof. Kim Hackford-Peer) – Dream Defenders-An analysis of Federal, State and Institutional Policy affecting Undocumented Students

Parent Fund

Shaswat Chapagain (Prof. Ravi Ranjan) – Relationship of Catheter Contact Force with Acute and Final Radiofrequency Lesion Size


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